Saturday, September 7, 2013

DIY Weaved Back Racerback from a T-Shirt

Here's a t-shirt no-sew upcycle inspired by this post from Trash to Couture on her spiderweb racerback shirt. I made it from a too large t-shirt that I had, weaving it about three times through and then cutting it into a tank. There's a helpful video also from Laura from Trash to Couture that shows how to do the weaving technique. (No before picture unfortunately, and all the pictures are low quality due to iPad 2 camera quality.)
Cut, stretched, stretched over a pillow.
I got the idea from the Trash to Couture video to stick a pillow in the shirt to hold it taut and make it easier when you're weaving. After a couple of rows though, the shirt tightens and it gets a little harder to weave over the pillow.
One row, two row, three rows
The finishing touch was to cut the back open and the sleeves off to complete the racerback look. I cut the collar of the shirt off before I started weaving it. Around this time is also when I tried the shirt on a few times to make sure things were even and the shape I wanted.
Complete (sweet tan lines, I know)